
2024-05-18 21:40

1. 麻烦翻译一句英文文献,关于英国城市规划史的

the disadvantages in many, if not most of the great industrial concentrations, alike on the strategical, the social and the economic side, do constitute serious handicaps and even in some respects dangers to the nation's life and development, and we are of opinion that definite action should be taken by the government towards remedying them.


2. 城市总体规划的英文怎么说

城市总体规划的英文:master planning, overall planning
master是什么意思:n. 雇主;统治者;硕士;艺术家;大师;能手adj. 主人的;主要的;熟练的;优秀的v. 控制;精通;指挥,统治a master of disguise伪装的能手. This is the work of a master hand.这是一位名家的作品。 Sir, you are truly a master of disguise.长官,你真是伪装大师。 planning是什么意思:n. 计划;计划制定If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  如果你不做计划,那就是在计划着失败。  imperative planning急需的计划 planning parameter规划参数;规划规范 overall是什么意思:adj. 全部的;全体的;综合的adv. 总的来说;全面地n. 罩衫;工装裤The State shall exercise macro control over the overall payroll.国家对工资总量实行宏观调控。In its over-all planning every county should map out an appropriate plan for water conservancy每县都应当在自己的全面规划中,做出一个适当的水利规划。Mr. Lin has over 30 years’ experience in the printing industry and is responsible for the overall policy making and business development of the Group.林先生于印刷行业有超过三十年之经验,并负责集团的整体策划与业务发展。

3. 城市规划理论的英文怎么说

城市规划理论的英文:urban planning theory
urban是什么意思:adj. 城市的;住在都市的;具有城市特征的Urban life brought urban refinements: newspapers and periodicals, libraries, clubs and societies. 都市生活带来了都市的文化享受:报纸、杂志、图书馆、俱乐部、社交团体。 Urban infrastructure facilities have improved considerably城市基础设施有了很大改观。urbanized industry was limited primarily to the Northeast城市工业主要局限于东北部。planning是什么意思:n. 计划;计划制定If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  如果你不做计划,那就是在计划着失败。  imperative planning急需的计划 planning parameter规划参数;规划规范 theory是什么意思:n. 原理,理论,学说;观点,推测configuration theory完形说 Marxist theory will advance and so will socialist theory.马克思主义要发展,社会主义理论要发展Develop a new theory by the synthesis of several earlier theories综合以前的几种学说而创立的新学说.


4. 城市规划专业英语的介绍


5. 求城市规划中英文翻译啊……

urban planning

1,城市总体规划 master plan,co-mprehensive planning :2,分区规划 district planning 
3,城市详细规划 detailed plan ;4,控制性详细规划 regulatory pl-an 
5,修建性详细规划 site plan;6,选址意见书 permission notes for location :

7,建设用地规划许可证 land use permit :8,建设工程规划许可证 building permit 
9,道路红线 boundary lines of roads ;10,建筑红线 building line

11,中华人民共和国国家标准--城市规划基本术语标准Standard for Basic Terminology of Urban Planning。12,居民点 settlement;13,城市(城镇) city 镇 town市域 administrative region of a city 城市化 urbanization城市化水平 urbanization level城市群 agglomeration城镇体系 urban system卫星城(卫星城镇) satellite town城镇体系规划 urban system planning城市规划 ruban planning城市设计 urban design城市总体规划纲要 master planning outline城市规划区 urban planning area城市建成区 urban built-up area开发区 development area  旧城改建 urban redevelopment
 城市基础设施 urban infrastructure城市总体规划 master plan, comprehensive planning分区规划 district planning近期建设规划 immediate plan城市详细规划 detailed plan 控制性详细规划 regulatory plan修建性详细规划 site plan城市规划管理 urban planning administration城市发展战略 strategy for urban development城市性质 designated function of city 城市规模 city size城市发展方向 direction for urban development城市发展目标 goal for urban development城市人口结构 urban plpulation structure城市人口年龄 age compostition城市人口增长率 urban population growth rate  城市人口自然增长率 natural growth rate 城市人口机械增长率 mechanical growth rate of plpulation 城市人口预测 urban plpulation forecast 城市用地 urban land 居住用地 residential land 公共设施用地 public facilities 工业用地 industrial land 仓储用地 warehouse land 对外交通用地 intercity transportation land市政公用设施用地 municipal utilities绿地 green space 特殊用地 specially-designated land水域和其它用地 waters and miscellaneous保留地 reserved land城市用地评价 urban landuse evaluation城市用地平衡 urban landuse balance城市结构 urban structure城市布局 urban layout城市形态 urban morphology城市功能分区 functional districts工业区 industrial district 居住区 residential district商业区 commercial district  文教区 institutes and colleges district  中心商务区 central business district (CBD)仓储区 warehouse district 综合区 mixed-use district  风景区 scenic zone市中心 civic center副中心 sub-civic center居住区规划 residential district planning居住小区 residential quarter4.6 城市道路交通
城市交通 urban transportation城市对外交通 intercity transportation 城市交通预测 urban transportation forecast城市道路系统 urban road system城市道路网 urban road network快速路 express way 城市道路网密度 density of urban road network大运量快速交通 mass rapid transit步行街 pedestrian street城市给水 water supply城市用水 water consumption 城市给水工程 water supply engineering给水水源 water sources水源选择 water sources selection水源保护 protection of water sources城市给水系统 water supply system 城市排水 sewerage城市污水 sewage 生活污水 domestic sewage生产废水 industrial wastewater 生产污水 polluted industrial wastewater城市排水系统 sewerage system分流制 separate system合流制 combined system城市排水工程 sewerage engineering污水处理 sewage treatment,wastewater treatment城市供电电源 power source城市用电负荷 electrical load高压线走廊 high tension corridor城市供电系统 power supply system
城市通信 communication城市通信系统 communication system城市集中供热 distrivt heating
 城市供热系统 distrivt heating sytem城市燃气 gas城市燃气供应系统 gas supply system
 城市绿化 urban afforestation 城市绿地系统 urban green space system 公共绿地 public green space公园 park绿带 green belt专用绿地 specified green space 防护绿地 green buffer城市生态系统 city ecosystem城市生态平衡 balance of city ecosystem城市环境污染 city environmental pollution城市环境质量 city environmental quality城市环境质量评价 city environmental quality assessment城市环境保护 city environmental protection历史地段 historic site 历史文化保护区 conservation districts of historic sites 历史地段保护 conservation of historic sites历史文化名城保护规划 conservation plan of historiccities城市防灾 urban disaster prevention城市防洪 urban flood control
城市防洪标准 flood control standard城市防洪工程 flood control works城市消防 earthquake hazard protection城市消防 urban fire control城市防空 urban air defense竖向规划 vertical planning
城市工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines城市规划法规 legislation on urban planning规划审批程序 procedure ofr approval of urban plan城市规划用地管理 urban planning land usr administration址意见书 permission notes ofr location
建设用地规划许可证 land use permit
 城市规划建设管理 ruban planning and development control
 建设工程规划许可证 building permit
 建筑面积密度 totoal floor space per hectare plot
 容积率 plot ratio,floor area ratio保存(Preservation)维护(Protection)保护(Conservation) 

居住区规划 residential district planning


6. 城市规划专业英语,求高手翻译


7. 城乡规划英语怎么说

问题一:城乡规划学的英文名称是什么?  Rural and urban planning 
   问题二:城市规划里面的“上位规划”翻译成英语应该怎么说,谢谢~  城市规划里面的“上位规划” 
  The inside of the city planning master planning 
   问题三:中华人民共和国城市规划法用英语怎么说  中华人民共和国城市规划法 
  Law of the People's Republic of China on City Planning; 
   问题四:请问“建筑与城乡规划学院”用英语怎么说  School of architecture and regional planning 
   问题五:城市分区规划用英语怎么说  城市分区规划 
  [网络] City district planning; District Planning; 
  [例句]城市分区规划由城市人民 *** 审批。 
  The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people's government of the city. 
   问题六:城市建设的英文怎么说  你好! 
  Urban construction 
   问题七:城乡规划展览馆 英文怎么说  Urban and Suburban Planning Exhibit 
   问题八:城市总体规划的英文怎么说  The general plan of Beijing 
   问题九:城市规划师英文怎么写  urban planner


8. 城乡规划英语怎么说?

问题一:城乡规划学的英文名称是什么?  Rural and urban planning 
   问题二:城市规划里面的“上位规划”翻译成英语应该怎么说,谢谢~  城市规划里面的“上位规划” 
  The inside of the city planning master planning 
   问题三:中华人民共和国城市规划法用英语怎么说  中华人民共和国城市规划法 
  Law of the People's Republic of China on City Planning; 
   问题四:请问“建筑与城乡规划学院”用英语怎么说  School of architecture and regional planning 
   问题五:城市分区规划用英语怎么说  城市分区规划 
  [网络] City district planning; District Planning; 
  [例句]城市分区规划由城市人民 *** 审批。 
  The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people's government of the city. 
   问题六:城市建设的英文怎么说  你好! 
  Urban construction 
   问题七:城乡规划展览馆 英文怎么说  Urban and Suburban Planning Exhibit 
   问题八:城市总体规划的英文怎么说  The general plan of Beijing 
   问题九:城市规划师英文怎么写  urban planner